Special Awards

«Network of the Year»
The award is given to an agency network, which obtains the highest amount of scores during the Festival. In order to become a part of the network, companies have to wholly or mainly owned by the network or included into the network.
«Independent agency of the Year»
The award is given to an independent agency from one country, which obtains the highest amount of scores for the prize-winning works.
«Agency of the Year»
The award is given to an agency from one country, which obtains the highest amount of scores for the prize-winning works (an agency can be both network and independent).
«Advertiser of the Year»
The award is given to clients, which obtains the highest amount of scores for the prize-winning works.
«Media agency of the year»
The award is given to a agency, which obtains the highest amount of scores for the prize-winning works in media block of categories (an agency can be both network and independent).
«Marketing agency of the year»
The award is given to the agency, whose cases received the most points for the prize work in the marketing categories (the agency can be both online and independent).
The award is given to the agency with the highest total score for the prize-winning submissions in creative block of categories. Creative agencies, both global and independent are eligible.

The Festival’s Scoring System:

Submission shortlisted for the festival
Submission that won the third place in the category
Submission that won the second place in the category
Submission that won the first place in the category
Grand Prix of the festival
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